Friday, May 30, 2008

St. Louis is pretty cool

I never thought of St. Louis as much of a destination - more a place you "pass through" when you're headed somewhere else. I was a little skeptical when Steph said she wanted to spend a day in St. Louis to explore, but I'm glad we spent an extra day here.

After our great night enjoying the Cardinals defeat the Astros, we had a great nights sleep and a leisurely breakfast at the hotel. We walked down to the Arch and explored a bit. Luckily, no one really wanted to go to the top of the Arch, so we were able to mark that off the list. The lady I sat next to at the Cardinals game last night told me a not so pleasant story about getting stuck on the tram on the way to the top. Glad we were able to get by without taking a trip to the top...

After the Arch, we headed to the Budweiser brewery to do the tour. The tour was nice - very well done. The only strange thing is that there didn't seem to be any employees at the brewery - other than the tour guides themselves. Every part of the brewery we toured seemed to be missing workers of any sort. Maybe the beer oompa-loompas only come out at night...

By mid day, it was pretty hot - mid 90's - so we enjoyed our beer samples at the end of the tour.

We gave the kids a couple of choices for an afternoon activity, and they chose the City Museum in downtown St. Louis. We didn't know much about it, but it turned out to be a great choice. The City Museum is kind of hard to describe - it's a hands on kids museum, but the focus is the creative reuse of discarded materials - lots old iron work, stone work, glass bottles, even some old bank vault doors. It's really cool, but almost a bit creepy too, if you can imagine. Something of a Tim Burton meets Lemony Snickets take on a late 19th century industrial kids museum. Probably a bad description, but maybe the pics will help explain. Anyway, we all had a blast. The kids swear it's their favorite museum ever.

St. Louis had lots of other kid friendly attractions that we didn't get to check out - enough that I would consider a long weekend trip back here to check out a few more. St. Louis has been a pleasant suprise - glad we gave it an extra day.

Today's pics can be found at

After the museum, we headed west of downtown to our hotel in St. Charles county, just accross the Missouri River. After a quick swim in the circa 1975 "Holidome" indoor/outdoor pool at our hotel, we grabbed a quick dinner and are hoping for an early bedtime tonight. Tomorrow we're heading West and then North to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It's going to be a long day of driving, so I'm off to bed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys are already having fun!! Had I known about the Budweiser stop off, I may have just found a way to throw some of Treys stuff out and hide in the back of the van until it stopped at Bud Land!!!