Sunday, June 22, 2008

Viva Las Vegas

(Posting for Saturday, June 21st)

Today has been a wonderfully peaceful and relaxing day for the Gray clan. I don’t think we left the comfort of the hotel all day…

Everyone slept late, and we treated ourselves to breakfast from room service – waffles, eggs, bacon, pastries and a pot of strong coffee. This was the kids first experience with room service – I think they are hooked…

After breakfast, we slathered on generous proportions of sunscreen and headed to the pool. We spent the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon enjoying the lazy river, wave pool, and other pools. When everyone finally tied of the pool (and it got too hot) we grabbed some quick lunch and headed back upstairs to cool off and relax.

After an afternoon of lounging, I headed off to the spa for a massage, while Steph and the kids ventured over to the aquarium and shark exhibit here at the hotel. The kids had a blast at the shark exhibit – saw lots of great stuff, petted a sting ray and horseshoe crabs, even had some funny tourist photos done. We all regrouped early evening, and headed back downstairs to the hotel buffet for dinner. The food was great – and there was tons of it. It seems as if we had a little bit of everything. I lost count of how many plates came and went from our table.

After stuffing ourselves at dinner, we headed back upstairs for the night. We pulled out the binoculars, and had a blast watching the Gnarls Barkley concert, as well as an outdoor wedding reception at the pool at the Four Seasons Hotel (adjacent to our hotel).

The concert is finally winding down, so we’re about to settle in for another peaceful night.

The Grays

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm glad to see that y'all aren't too "Crazy" after 4300 miles. (Notice the Gnarls Barkley reference.) :-) It sounds like the Grays are living large after being in the wilderness. Slip in a quarter for me. :-) Also-- I would like to send a "shout out" to Granny for the Braves tickets. Unfortunately, we have a previous engagement; Jody's dad is being named "Coach of the Year" for girls b'ball that night. We will pass the tickets on-- relunctantly. I think Jody shed a tear when he saw that we would have to forgo Suite tickets. :-)